
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 38: Recipes for Life
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Today we are talking recipe books, grandmothers, Exodus and the meaning of 'manna' (and possibly of life, the universe and everything...)

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 37: What Is My Work?
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Today we are talking about 'The Master Maker' - the topic chosen from today's Oracle Cards. It's fair to call it a wide-ranging discussion :-) including slow food and slow work, being pieces in a puzzle, how lack and greed are connected and what is, and is not, ours to do...

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
There's more to it than that, but we wanted to look at the differences between fate and free will and President Trump's chart is a very helpful example of someone driven by their subconscious. We hope you enjoy it - it's all about levels of power.

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 1: Who are we?
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Self-confessed Vicar Maggy Whitehouse and self-confessed witch Suzi Crockford are friends and eager to discuss the similarities and differences in their respective faiths. This is a magical, mystical mystery tour of a podcast seeking the Divine in everything.

Friday Nov 06, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 35: The Quiet Moon
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
More on delving into the darkness, witches and language - and the coming Advent (recorded before the US election and the second lockdown).

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 34: The Hallows.
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
It's Halloween and we discuss AllHallows, AllSouls, AllSaints, darkness and ceremonies. BE WARNED, there is a shock in store. Not a very scary one, but Maggy's new hound erupts into barking halfway through and we couldn't edit it out. So, please don't listen to this one as a way of trying to fall asleep! Her name is Sappho, by the way and she says, 'hello.'

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode33: The Dreamtime.
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Today's episode is about the power of dreaming; not dream interpretation but how to communicate with our inner selves through our dreams.

Friday Oct 16, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 32: Finding the Stillness
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Today we talk about ways to achieve stillness and peace within, no matter what the outside circumstances. It's amazing what little things can do...

Friday Oct 09, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 31: Entering the Dark Days
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
As the nights draw in, Suzi and Maggy discuss how best to cooperate with the darkness of the coming winter. Darkness itself is not a bad thing and there is much we can do in the cold and wet which will both nurture and support us.

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 30: The One About Lilith
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
We've spoken about Eve and the Tree of Knowledge but there's another legend within the Biblical story of creation - the story of Lilith. Called Adam's first wife, she has long been a feminist icon. But will Maggy agree...?!