
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Today we discover more of Suzi's ancestors and her first steps into shamanic arts, talk of miracles and healing - and of the time Maggy met that Barracuda on the day she wasn't sure she wanted to live...

Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
That's quite a title this week! We look at the biology of two very particular chickens who started out as girls, laid eggs and then changed their minds, as an example of the fluidity of gender ... and share The Zakhor of Wellbeing, a Hebrew chant for the release of karma associated with plagues.
Click here for the link to the Zakhor so you can use it for yourself, those you love and the whole world.
Click here for the website of the amazing Griefwalker, Stephen Jenkinson.

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 7: Unweaving the Ego.
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
We discuss what the modern world calls 'The Law of Attraction' - that like attracts like - and how it is taught both in the Bible and the Pagan traditions. Also the ego, or automatic belief system, which is is often the block to our attracting what we truly want to experience so, with stories from our lives, we show the re-weaving of the beliefs that once led us into sickness so that they may strengthen our - and hopefully your - health.
This is our first self-distanced recording with Suzi on the hillside above her home (to catch a signal) and Maggy in her chapel. It's in mono because of different recording software. We'll try and sort that next week. :-D

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 6: Healing For A Toxic World
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
We still tend to refer to The Patriarchy, often without acknowledging that this is a system fuelled and supported both by the toxic masculine AND the toxic feminine. Today we take a look at those patterns in the Bible, life and the world and start to unravel the issue to re-weave harmony.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
We begin with the adventure of the cake in the bath, followed swiftly by one of us breaking a chair. Flushed with success, we move on through the legend behind the dog collar to parthenogenesis and cultural appropriation. And that's quite enough big words for one episode. There's a rude word or so in there somewhere. And then more cake.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 5: The One About the Virus
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
There are a load of pre-recorded shows out now which make no reference to the virus so we thought we'd record an episode on the day before lockdown (suitably sanitised apart from the language :-) ) with our thoughts. Watch out for the quotation of the decade from Suzi as to what the Great Mother thinks about all this ... and then we ramble off on other matters such as anger and love - and the wisdom of hiding cakes in the bath.

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 3: Trinity, Suffering and Spirit.
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
In the third podcast (recorded before lockdown) Suzi and Maggy discuss the Law of Three in both Earth Wisdom and Christianity, together with the perennial magic at the heart of the story of the Crucifixion. We are weaving a tapestry of stories...

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 2: Healing and Communion
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
In this episode we discuss our roles in re-weaving the great tapestry of life.
We must try to understand
the meaning of the age
in which we are called to bear witness.
We must accept the fact
this is an age in which
the cloth is being unwoven.
It is therefore no good trying
to patch. We must, rather,
set up the loom on which
coming generations may
weave new cloth according to
the pattern God provides.
Mother Mary Clare

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Wise Women: The Vicar and the Witch. Episode 1 Who are we?
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Hello. We are Maggy Whitehouse and Suzi Crockford and we both live in the wilds of Dartmoor, Devon. Maggy is the vicar and Suzi is the witch. Suzi is also a drum and rattle maker, a healer and a teacher of her witchy ways. Maggy is an author on Judaic mysticism and a stand-up comedian. We both delight in finding the linking threads between beliefs and exploring the patterns of creation so please join us on our first podcast where we are beginning the journey of walking paths of peace together.